Spa & Wellbeing

How Can We Balance Our Feminine Energy?


Facing today’s unprecedented challenges, we need our feminine energy nurturing inner values such as intuition, harmony, empathy and cooperation more than ever...

As a force responsible for action, courage and progress, there is no doubt masculine energy can help us in our current life struggle. That is, as long as it is in balance. In fact, the state of hurry, anxiety and constant action we are in is gradually leading to an increase in masculine energy, both in our essence and in the world. This in turn is causing our feminine energy to recede at an equivalent rate...

Although feminine energy is often associated with ‘femininity’, it is not exclusive to women. Rather, we all exist in our own unique balance of masculine and feminine energy, regardless of gender. Not only humans, but the entire universe is made up of these two forces. Both feminine and masculine energies arise reciprocally and work together effortlessly and harmoniously as long as they are in balance. When the balance is disturbed, chaos ensues in the self and in nature...

This article is dedicated to remembering our feminine energy and recalling balance in our lives. We hope it will inspire you...

What is Feminine Energy?

Feminine energy is a sacred energy form possessed by all beings, but her intensity and expression can vary from person to person. Feminine energy, known under many different names over the centuries including Shakti, Gaia, Divine Feminine and Yin, is a serene, intuitive and nurturing source that complements the active, controlling and aggressive masculine energy. 

While masculine energy is associated with the sun, light, air and sky, feminine energy is identified with the moon, darkness, water and the earth.

At the same time, feminine energy represents the natural flow of life. She symbolizes the infinite transformation between birth, growth, death and rebirth. She acknowledges that everything is interconnected and has its own life cycle. And knows that life must say goodbye to its past so that it can be renewed and embrace more beautiful possibilities. 

She flows freely with the original rhythms of nature against the authoritarian inflexibility of masculine power. She is soft, nurturing and grounded. She does not try to control the course of the universe but is aware of her inner power in her own flow. She recognizes that to understand who she is depends on confronting her darkness. And believes that every experience is a lesson in itself.

She trusts the guidance of intuition and the supreme wisdom within her on the path to her purpose. When the flow of her journey requires her to pause and wait, she rests with patience and intention, and when it is time to renew, she moves with grace and love. Her grounding quality enables her to understand what to nurture and when to nurture it, while maintaining her boundaries.

Feminine energy is the divine mother, breathing life to and nurturing with creativity what is meant to be. She is the energy of “being”. And who she gives birth to and nurtures, the masculine energy advances with the power of “doing”. When their time is up, it is the feminine energy that bids farewell to existence with compassion and embraces newness...

Why Do We Need Feminine Energy?

Because to succeed in doing, we must first realize the value of being...

It’s true that masculine energy, with his active, logical and constructive qualities, encourages us to strive for more, to accomplish goals and get things done. And these are very useful qualities under the complex circumstances of the day... But if we constantly and exclusively nurture this actional energy, the result is likely to be a heavy sense of burnout under the aggression and dominance of the masculine, and ultimately a decline in health and hope for the future.

Feminine energy is complementary to masculine energy, just as night complements day, winter complements summer and Yin complements Yang... Yes, each of us contains these two opposing forces in our own unique balance. But we need to learn to harmonize this balance in order to stay holistic and healthy.

She invites calm and stillness into our being. She reminds us to rest and regain strength before we can rebuild our lives. Only then can we connect with the creative wisdom at our core and rebuild our lives as we intend.

The synergy of the feminine energy with the vital cycle makes it easier for us to accept what is and adapt to the changing flow of life. Just like water adapting to its new vessel...

Of course, we cannot be expected to easily adjust to everything. But feminine energy is patient. She is also sensitive, compassionate and supportive. She has deep insight into the delicate equations, needs and feelings caused by events. She knows that healing begins within, and she lovingly donates the nurturing power she creates to the masculine energy to protect the self and all that the self holds dear. 

As opposed to the independence of masculine energy, feminine energy relies on interconnection and cares for all life. It’s our feminine energy that enables us to empathize with our environment in tough times and cooperate harmoniously to help those in need.

When we rebalance our feminine energy, we can unite with hope and love and build a safer and healthier future.

Some Approaches Good for Our Feminine Energy

Connecting to the feminine energy within is about getting closer to the flow of “being”. To do this, we need to slow down and embody feminine qualities such as intuition, compassion, generativity...

Invite serenity: Let’s give ourselves moments to just be, to “mute” for a while the masculine urge to do more and more. Even if it's just for five minutes a day, taking a break from all distractions and doing almost nothing in a quiet and calm environment helps us get closer to the grace of the divine feminine.

Acknowledge your intuitive power: Logic is useful but rigid, easy to get stressed and tied up in knots when things are out of its control. Intuition, on the other hand, can easily adapt to life’s uncontrollable uncertainties and find flexible solutions.... To turn inward and tap into our feminine nature, we can meditate, take mindful breathing breaks and even journal our feelings, preferably every day. This will help us see things as they are, realize where we stand and approach the solution with intuition.

Connect with nature: Mother Earth is undoubtedly one of the most divine feminine in our lives. And connecting with her is among the most fundamental practices that can awaken the feminine energy within... Experiencing with our senses how trees, flowers and living things are transformed by the flow, ‘grounding’ ourselves by walking in nature, gives us space to accept her wild and “as is” beauty and thus embrace the divine feminine within in all her aspects, including imperfections.

Embrace your senses: Our intuitive power manifests physically through our senses. The textures, smells, tastes that allow us to “feel”... are all elements that contribute to connecting to our feminine energy. We can pamper ourselves with self-care that feels true to our essence, use censer or incense with aromatic scents such as lavender, chamomile and rose, listen to calm music with our favorite candlelight, invigorate our sense of taste with a delicious and light meal, or be in spaces that are good for our soul and eyes.

Eat more ‘Yin’: Feminine energy is also in flow in our bodies and represents the fluid tissues we need to support the actions of the masculine. To nourish these tissues we can consume fatty dairy products, seasonal fruits, beans, sprouts, vegetables such as pumpkin, sweet potatoes, salad greens. Sugar, alcohol, caffeine-containing foods and hot spices such as curry and ginger increase Yang.

Add gentle rituals to your flow: This can be anything from meditation to a walk in nature, from gentle skin treatments to holistic body therapies. For example, we like to incorporate a ten-minute tea ritual into our daily life to tap into our feminine energy. If you wish to give it a try, you can use smooth teas such as rose, chamomile, melissa and rosehip.

Be centered with slow movements: The divine feminine is not completely still, she knows how to move when the time is right. But she is mindful and calm while doing so. Therefore, it is productive to incorporate slow movements into our lives to awaken our feminine energy. We especially recommend Yin Yoga in this regard. This is a gentle yoga practice dedicated to cultivating stillness and relaxation, targeting the connective tissues of our body. This relaxing exercise, usually consisting of postures done calmly for a few minutes at a time, will encourage the free flow of Yin energy in our being.

Express your creativity: Embracing our feminine energy is about expressing what comes from within, what we naturally feel in the moment. This has no particular form, no right or wrong. Sometimes it’s painting, music, puzzles or dance, sometimes it’s a DIY project or repair work, sometimes it’s cooking or working with plants. You name it!

Go with the stream of water: Feminine energy is like water; the sensation of flow helps us slow down and embrace the beauty of subtlety. When we feel tense, craving constant motion, taking a break and connecting with water helps us get closer to our feminine half. We can take a quiet shower or, for a deeper connection, experience the bathing rituals of spas. In such a ritual we can also use essential oils and herbal extracts that touch the divine feminine, such as rose and ylang-ylang. 

Make space for crystals: Crystals have been gathering both the feminine and masculine energies of Gaia for millions of years... Especially gemstones such as pink quartz, moonstone, carnelian, selenite can allow us to both get closer to the feminine power within and meet the sublime wisdom of nature. By placing these stones in a corner of our home or carrying them with us in a small pouch, we can tap into our feminine energy through the unique vibrations of the crystals. 

Attend to your chakra balance: The life energy we call Qi is a combination of our feminine and masculine qualities. For this energy to flow freely, our chakras need to be in balance. We can use energy healing such as acupuncture, reiki, watsu, sound and marma therapies to relax our chakras and regulate our masculine-feminine balance.

Make a connection: Feminine energy knows how to receive as well as how to give her positive virtues. Therefore, she likes to come together with like-minded individuals and those who share similar feelings.  

Finally, a brief reminder that when we embrace our feminine nature in harmony with our masculine energy, we better perceive the value of being, accept that life is not entirely in our control, and nurture from within our power to change, re-create, rebuild and protect.

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