Spa & Wellbeing

Which Ayurvedic Dosha Body Type Are You?


Have you ever wondered why some people have a seemingly hyperactive nature while others exude an aura of calmness? Or how come some people never gain weight despite eating excessively, while others could pack on pounds only by having a simple three-course meal?

Ayurveda answers all such questions with three doshas. But before getting to these answers, it is important to firstly understand what Ayurveda is. The expression of Ayurveda in Caraka-Samhitā, one of the most ancient texts written thousands of years ago, containing the most detailed explanations on the relative subject, is “Hita Hitam Sukham Duhkhamayustasya Hitahitam”. According to this expression which may be translated as “That is named the Science of life wherein is laid down the good and bad life, the happy and the unhappy life, and what is wholesome and what is unwholesome in relation to life, and also the measure of life.”, defining Ayurveda as the “science of life” which is based on knowing one’s own body, emphasizes the significance of identifying our Ayurvedic dosha.

Ayurveda, the term of which is composed of two words meaning “life” (ayu/ayus) and “knowledge” (veda), is briefly the dynamic balance between mind, body, and environment. The key to Ayurvedic wellness and healing is the knowledge that health is not a simple premise.

The perception of “one size fits all” has been destroyed in Ayurveda. Although, many people nowadays are standardized as if they are the products of mass manufacturing. Worst of all, they often, whether willingly or unwillingly, abandon their own personality traits just to fit into the molds of single form generated under this order. Because they know that when they are outside of those patterns, they will feel a mental discomfort…

At this point, it is substantial to understand that every person and situation has a unique nature, taking into account variables such as person, season, geography (for “acceptance” is no more important than representing unique bodies and souls, or than knowing oneself above all else.)

There are mainly three Doshas in Ayurveda: Vata, Pitta and Kapha. These three Doshas are derived from the five main elements that make up the entire universe and their related properties. Vata consists of space and air, Pitta of fire and water, Kapha of earth and water. Since Doshas are defined as biological energies found within the human body and mind, they provide every living being with an individual plan for health and satisfaction, while managing physical and mental processes.

All of these five elements and all three doshas are present in our bodies; however, it is the ratio of each dosha in our physiological and psychological structure is what differs us from each other. Since we all are sensitive to imbalances in our doshas, we should also comprehend more deeply as to what constitutes them and what kind of dosha we do belong to. 

Vata Dosha (Wind Energy)

Vata Dosha is derived from the elements of space and air and is known as the energy of movement that governs all biological activities of the body. It is also called the “king of doshas” as it facilitates the movement of the other two doshas Pitta and Kapha, where the body governs the greater life force. People born with Vata Dosha are generally energetic, creative, and naturally capable of expressing themselves to and communicating with, the outside. They are also quick learners, with a lively and playful personality, and full of joy and enthusiasm when in balance. But once their Vata becomes imbalanced, they begin to display tendency to act on impulses, mood swings, and to respond to stress with fear, anxiety, and worry. Some of the common symptoms of Vata imbalance include somatic disorders related to dry skin, dry cough, constipation, low back pain and abdominal pain. 

Vata Body Type 

People with Vata body type are in general physically underdeveloped. Their chests are flat and their veins and muscle tendons are usually apparent. They often have brown or wheat skin-tone, with dry, not so smooth, and cracked skin. They can be quite assertive and very tall and are usually on the slim side. Due to poor muscle development, prominent joints and bones are often visible. They mostly have curly and thin hair and they also have thin eyelashes. Most of the time, their eyes are sunken, hands and feet remain cold regardless of the weather, nails are rough and brittle, and their noses are naturally curved. They may often have a disturbed sleep pattern; and thus, probably sleep less than the other two body types. 

Vata Mind 

Psychologically, Vata people are characterized by short-term memory. Yet, they possess a quick mental understanding; therefore, they can grasp situations quickly and easily. Despite their quick understanding, they are also prone to forgetting just as quickly. They have little willpower, with low level of tolerance, confidence, and courage. Due to their poor judgment, people amongst the Vata type can often become tense, fearful, and easily anxious.

Pitta Dosha (Fire Energy) 

Pitta Dosha is the energy of digestion and metabolism in the body. It functions through carriers such as organic acids, hormones, enzymes and bile. Pitta is mainly based within the small intestines, stomach, liver, spleen, pancreas, blood, and eyes. It is known as the provider of heat and energy to the body through breakdown of complex food molecules. Pitta type people are generally intelligent people. They are governed by mental perception such as joy, will, courage, anger, and jealousy. 

Pitta Body Type 

People with the Pitta body type are usually of medium height and have delicate and slender body structure. Their muscle development is moderate, and they usually have a light or reddish complexion. They have soft skin and silky hair, but their hair is thinner than other types and may have a tendency to gray prematurely. Their eye color usually ranges from green, gray or copper brown with moderate prominence. Pitta people are equipped with a strong metabolism and good digestion, which enables them to have a strong appetite. They have a natural craving for both sweet and spicy foods and can consume large amounts of solids and liquids in this respect.

Pitta Mind 

People with the Pitta body type have excellent concentration and a sharp mind. They tend to grasp situations quickly and react with agility. They are considered good rhetoricians and generally possess good management and leadership skills. They are competitive by nature and enjoy challenges.

Kapha Dosha (Water Energy)

Kapha Dosha is the structuring and anointing energy that provides the body with physical form, structure and proper functioning of all its parts. The main location of Kapha within the body is the chest, throat, lungs, head, fatty tissues, connective tissues, and tendons. They help lubricate the joints, store energy, and add volume to tissues. Kapha people are generally loving, relaxed and slow paced in nature. They are compassionate and non-judgmental, and endowed with a graceful appearance. They are not easily angered and are known to be possessive by nature. Therefore, they hold on to things and people for a long time. They are usually good with monetary matters and possess a good amount of wealth. 

Kapha Body Type 

Kapha people generally have well-developed bodies; but they also are prone to carrying excess weight. Their chests are wide, their veins and tendons are not clearly visible due to the thick layer of skin and good muscle development. They are usually fair-skinned and have shiny, oily skin. They have thick, dark, and wavy hair. Their pupils are usually intense and large, shaded black or blue. They have regular appetite, and they tend to consume less food due to their slow digestion. 

Kapha Mind 

People with Kappa mind generally possess a calm aura and do not get upset easily. They have a forgiving and peaceful nature and are harmonious with their environment. However, they exhibit traits of greed, attachment, jealousy, and possessiveness. Even if they are comparatively slow in grasping things; once they understand something, the information stays within their minds for a long time.

Although doshas can be identified with certain specific features, what actually matters is the proportions of doshas we possess. In a way, our dominant qualities give a clue about the ratio of each element of which these doshas symbolize.

We'd mentioned above that each and every of us has three doshas in our body, all those three being very active and constantly varying in response to any change in actions, food consumption, thoughts, and activities. For example, if we mistreat our bodies or fail to treat our bodies well enough, even by simply consuming unhealthy foods or disrupting our healthy sleep patterns, this will naturally cause physical and mental imbalance. In order to establish/re-establish this balance and protect our health, it is essential to fully understand how to manage our current Dosha state pro rata to our birth state. That way, we will be able to maintain our optimal health and lead a good and balanced life…

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